Friday, May 28, 2010

Munching on Chickpeas

To be perfectly honest I was never a really big meat eater, even when I was very young I remember mum trying to hide bits of meat in my food, I always managed to find it.  I hated fish and I can probably count the number of times I ate fish in my entire life.  Chicken I could tolerate and I absolutely loved eggs, I would eat so many of them that everyone thought I would have very high Cholestrol, needless to say, I am perfectly fine.

I grew up in South India and like every other developing, crowded nation there was no escaping the fact that caring for animals was unusual.  I grew up watching stray dogs being hit by cars, chickens hung by their feet on the handle bars of bicycles and Oxen carrying loads so heavy that the only way they would helplessly move on is by being beaten mercilessly.

The change was for me, inevitable and I became vegetarian very very young.  Migrating to Melbourne in 2002 was like moving to another world, I got comfortable, still being vegetarian I  moved in with my now husband who was an omnivore.  Soon after so was I.  I ate meat 3 times a day and loved it, what the eyes dont see the heart doesn't feel I guess. 

I then started doing my research in to Western methods of farming...and oh was I horrified.  I was never aware of the terms, Factory Farming or knew what Cage Eggs meant.  Now I did.  I eventually went back to being vegetarian and as hard as it was to go back, I stuck to my guns.  The more research I did and the more people I associated with I realised the cruelty out there.  Guilt enveloped me, and knowing challenged me.  If Markus, born and raised in a meat and 3 veg family, was giving it a go, why could I not take the next step?

I am now on my way to becoming a vegan, slowly but steadily I know I will get there.

Cruelty Free Food is what I call it :)

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